All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Australian Property Investing Masters

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  • Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hello all,

    Just a quick note in regards to the Australian Property Investing Masters 2003…

    What a fantastic weekend! Value at twice the price I’d say!! (Don’t get any ideas though Steve! [;)

    I hope everyone else got as much out of the weekend as I did! I hope that everyone who attended is now more than well equipped with the strategies needed to succeed in all cycles of the market, and with any opportunities you may uncover – I know I certainly am!

    How did everyone else feel about the weekend? Any favourite sessions or speakers?

    Thanks to Steve and the rest of the crew for an invaluable weekend!

    Happy investing!

    Best Regards,

    Graeme Smith

    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi Grimey,

    We have not long ago arrived home and just put our two 4 and 5 year old girls to bed (their nana babysat all weekend)!!!

    We felt the seminar was fantastic value for money, and we really enjoyed putting some faces to names, especially Sooshie and AD. It was great to see that most of the people doing really well in investing are just every day type of people like ourselves.

    We will remember this seminar for a long time and I’m sure it will be a turning point in our life!

    Thanks to everybody involved for sharing your valuable time with us all.

    Remember, we now have no excuses!!![^]

    Will & Del (WILANDEL)

    Profile photo of ThunderThunder
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Hi all,

    Well the skeptic has had an about face.

    Two fun filled days of inspiration, motivation, advice and most of all a new found empowerment to go forth and get into it… no excuses.

    Go out there and find the opportunity, if we learned anything we learned that opportunities exist, and if think they don’t, find someone elses problem and solve it if you can. Create that win-win situation.

    Soosh and Michael it was a pleasure meeting you and the best of luck with your wrap.

    Thanks Steve and the team for a great weekend.

    Profile photo of williwilli
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 186

    I have to agree….

    I also went to last years event and have to say that this one was much more refined and I got a lot more out of it – maybe having the educational base from last event has contributed to this – but none the less sensational weekemd….Well Done Guys (Bradley McKnight Crew)

    Hope everyone got as much out of it as i did…


    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

    Profile photo of MoogieMoogie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Agreed !

    What a weekend… and its no wonder that I feel so tired now… [|)] There was such a plethora of wonderful information to take onboard in a mere 2 days.

    My first action item is to remove a roadblock that has been in the way of my road to success… clinging to my JOB. There is much fear here, because traditional thought says that I have a plumb job. I work from home sitting in front of my computer all day to earn 6 digit salary, but I feel I am a prisoner to my job. It sucks the life out of me and makes me extremely time poor.

    I now believe I can overcome this fear.

    That is such a liberating feeling. My mindset has shifted significantly because of this weekend… so a BIG thankyou to everyone involved in the seminar. You all have helped me to find the courage to face my fear.

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Well Hello everyone!!!

    WOW!!! [:D

    What a blast! [:D

    Many people asked me if I get paid for whatever it is that I do ([?]) for Steve and Dave…the answer is payment is not always in dollars and cents. Look outside the square!

    I am glad Thunder (Simon) that you and Lightening (Juliette) got home safely and it was a pleasure meeting such warm and wonderful people. To everyone from interstate (a list to huge to list) I hope you enjoyed Melbourne and I’m glad you got home safely.

    As you all know I played ‘a role’ at the seminar in the game (Kathleen with 9 kids) and I will give you some feedback on that next post, but tonight,,,it’s hie to bed for me. [;)

    Warmest regards to the wonderful people I met this weekend. To those I didn’t get a chance to speak in depth with…(like you Del) don’t think you’re off the hook yet [;)

    It’s there for the taking!
    Go GET IT!!!

    Sooshie [:)

    There are no problems, only solutions

    Profile photo of Nessie

    Hello all,

    What an awesome weekend yet again. This was my second time. A gigantic thank you to Steve, Dave and all their team for the endless hours of effort and energy that it takes to put together this fantastic event.

    For those who are wondering why I went again – I was so motivated after last year I wanted to confirm the tactics I had used in the last 12 months. I went on to do some great things last year. Well I thought they were great until I heard what some of you have been doing. I am motivated to surge ahead even more from here on in.

    It was fantastic to put faces to names from this forum, particularly AD and Sooshie. I feel priviledged to have had the opportunity to met so many of you.

    I was so tired and felt brain dead by the end of yesterday. It was scary driving home afterwards but I made it home safely after stopping off in Edithvale (half way home) to check out the property Stuart O’N. mentioned to us all. Even too tired to turn on the computer to do this post when I got home.

    Finally the weekend has highlighted to me(after meeting and chatting with Billy B.) that I must surge ahead more rapidly to achieve my ultimate goal. Like Sooshie said it is not the fear of finance, the money the numbers that hold me back. My fear is that I will have a reoccurance of illness (the Big C) that will prevent Hubby and I from completing our ultimate goal. We don’t have any trailers (kids)[:(] and our ultimate aim is to help people in need. We are investing in property so we can eventually set up our own Charitable Trust and assist to improve some child or persons life – just like Billy B.

    It’s time for breakfast now and then I have get busy and run up a $1K phone bill [:D

    Cheers to all you lovely people


    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696

    Good morning everyone,

    Since Julie hasnt had her baby yet I know her and Steve will still be asleep[xx(] I’m up with my 2 year old looking at breakfast cereal.

    Guy’s, I truely had the greatest time this weekend. And like many off you my head is still swimming for the abundance of information, I think if you didn’t get your answers you didn’t use your time well.

    As for favourite speakers well wjo could go past the Geoff Dodgy and PaulE slick (for those at our table) what a dynamic duo, we will be up to Brisy for their cause when we get serious about Reno’s. Stuart the Gorilla, you scared my pants off buddy, I think I am only an apprentice Gorilla because my brass ball are not as shiney as Stuart’s. Lauren Burn, wasn’t she a brilliant speaker, her story was so personal and so funny very inspirational.

    I met so many great people, and Shooshi and her 9 kids (4 boys and 3 girls and 2 ???) was a pleasure to meet, I regret not catching up with AD but we will another time but surfice to say Andrew your contributions are immencely appreciated. I didn’t match a lot of you up to your forum alias but I had a fabulous time talking to every person I met.

    OK, at the very end of the night Steve made Del (wilandel) promise to cut her hair off if she didnt make her goal. I was thinking all night what can I lose if Matt and I dont make it to our goal, so I have decided to share our goals with you up till Dec and put my reputation on the line. We are seeing a new accountant this week (Dale GG) and setting up our line of credit next week. I am going out to our target area and spending a couple of day there doing detailed research and house hunting and relationship building mid june. We will purchase a positive cashflow property and settle no later than July 31 2003. Most likely it will be buy and hold, although we are now definately open to more options. We will then proceed to purchase 2 more positive properties by Dec 31 2003, finishing the year on 4 IP’s with the one we already own. We will then review our progress in Dec and review/plan our strategy for 2004.

    So there.

    My fear is fear of inaction … I am going to overcome this by ‘Just doing it’.

    And finally, (sorry for being so long winded) if you didnt get to the APIM you can still learn what we now know through the other brilliant resources that Steve and Co have developed eg: Fast Track, Property Secrets Revealed, Buyer Beware and Wealth Guardian, these are a small price to pay for the wealth you gain in knowledge and someone else’s experience.

    Thank you everyone, I will keep you posted on our journey.

    PS: I didn’t apply for the master apprentice, because that was a hurdle to me, Matt and I are going to do it for us by us.

    Leigh K [:D

    Read, learn, grow but most of all just do it.

    Profile photo of Lizzie_2Lizzie_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 20

    Hi All,
    I’m a forum Newbie, so be gentle with me.
    A large portion of my family attended the APIM on the weekend. We found it a great source of information, however taking action is entirely your responsibility. I have not yet bought a property but I picked up on serveral tips that will be invaluable when I actually do. No one can do this for you, you must stand on the edge of the cliff and jump off, so to speak. Something for me to overcome is the fear of not getting it all right. I need to be willing to make mistakes, after all that is the way we really learn best.

    About the weekend – Steve, you are a natual at public speaking. You have the great ability to bring a complex message down to earth, thanks.
    The Reno Kings are an awesome due, it almost felt like I was at a Comedy Show. They were so entertaining yet so informative and full of information (as I discovered at the round tables session).
    Stuart O’Neil, what can we say? Is he a goer or what? Although I might not necessarily “do-his-thing”, as such, I did get some invaluable tips out of his session.
    I found the Lease Options a bit confusing but the dialogue at the end between Steve & Tony really helped to clarify.
    My one criticism would be of the “game” at the end of Sunday. Being a newbie to investing I found it frustrating and confusing. I hope it wasn’t your intention to make me feel like a bit of an idiot but I did actually feel that way. Am I the only one who felt this way? I didn’t get that impression last night but let me know.
    Thanks for reading.

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    You know… as I walked out of the venue last night – dog tired and almost hoarse – I didn’t think that I’d be functioning all that well today.

    Yet, I was up at 7:30 and off for a morning walk, came home and I actually feel very refreshed.

    And why not? I spent an amazing weekend with so many like-minded people who all shared a common goal.

    I had an awesome time. Thank you all for attending… enjoy those key rings and let them be a constant reminder of what’s needed to be a success in real estate!

    Have a wonderful day… take action now (right now) or else risk being a tyre-kicker!


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi ENJOLady,

    It actually wasn’t me (thank goodness)!! that Steve made the deal about chopping off her hair, I was standing next to her. I have made the deal with myself that if I can’t replicate what I (I mean WE, husband) have achieved in the last 3 months, that I will sell 1 of my 3 horses, which will be VERY HARD TO DO. I am determined NOT to let that happen!!

    On another subject, if anyone is interested in getting together on a regular basis for tea or drinks and to find out how we are all going on our investing journey i.e. every 2 months or so, please let me know via the forum, and I will try to arrange something.

    My head is still spinning after the weekend, so I will sign off now.

    Have a great week everybody!!
    Speak to you all soon,


    Profile photo of JR

    I totally agree with all the above. All of the presenters were excellent.

    Stuart, not sure if you have time to read this forum, but where can I get some of the stuff you’re on?[;)

    Was great to be amongst so many like-minded people for a change.

    What am I doing here at work? (searching at [;)

    cheers everyone [:D


    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi ALL!

    I’d like to know if anyone wanted feedback about the role I played in the game at the seminar? I was peturbed to hear how Lizzie (by the way, welcome to the forum [:)

    By the way Jason, last night I posted Stuart’s link in the ‘useful links’ post, but here it comes again…

    Sooshie [:)

    There are no problems, only solutions

    Profile photo of oscar

    Hi Guys [;)

    I first met Stu a few months ago. He is an absolute GUN!! I recommend everyone to go and spend a day with him. From the feedback on this forum, I take it that he really opened up everyone’s mind.

    Cheers [8D]


    P.S. I know most people here are investors for cashflow, but once you meet Stu, you just might change your mind!

    Profile photo of JR

    Hey, the infamous Oscar. I assume that you are the “Oscar” that Stu spoke so highly of yesterday?

    btw, thanks for the link sooshie

    Profile photo of 4walls24walls2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 20

    Hi there,

    Excellent weekend!!!!

    Hubby picked me up from the airport in Singapore
    at 6.30am this morning. I dropped him off and went home to see the children – took my daughter to school. Then came home and called a new real estate agent in QLD to help us solve our vacancy problem.

    My husband says I’m on fire….!!!!!!!
    I think he will call me several times today just to make sure it really is me who came back!!!!!

    I would like to say a big thanks to the presenters for their selfless flow of information.

    This act alone was priceless.



    Profile photo of oscar

    Hi JasonR

    Yes. Very kind of Stu. I’ll be seeing Stu tonight. Happy investing!![8D]


    Oscar [8D]

    Profile photo of Nessie

    Would love to hear your feed back Sooshie, it might be handy to know if I ever get an application from a tenant with 9 kids!!![:O

    Like 4walls I too am fired up.

    Have rung 4 Agents and other authorities chasing information in the past 4 hours and am viewing a property after 5pm today.[:)

    Have followed Stuart’s tactic and it was so easy -asked lots and lots of questions and got all the info. So now I can put in a better offer than the rejected one sitting on the Agent’s table at present. Now I can’t wait for 5pm to come round.
    If this comes off I stand to reap over $1m.[:O

    Cheers to you all

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi Nessie, Hi all!

    Been scratching my real estate itch too … I will give feedback as I think it would be a good teaching tool. Nessie, ask me a question…you know once I’s hard to stop me [:D

    I have a question too. What is the difference between LUCK and FATE? It’s not a trick question people…

    Sooshie [:)

    “Giving is a Blessing, receiving is the bonus”

    Profile photo of YarraYarra
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 20

    Hi All
    My Journal
    Sunday 1 June 2003
    Dear Diary,
    What an awesome weekend I have had. So much information gleened from an incredible seminar I attended at Albert Park. I hope the excitement & enthusiasm of this event won’t leave me for a couple of weeks, or until I’ve made at least one real estate deal which will then provide the momentum to keep going.
    I’ve already begun looking for potential deals on It really is too easy so I’m sure it won’t be long before my portfolio is looking like Steve & Daves.
    Well weariness is starting to creep up, must be off to bed

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