All Topics / The Treasure Chest / YIELD PLEASE EXPLAIN??/

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  • Profile photo of criscris
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    could somebody explain “YIELD” for me and how it is calculated. what is considreded a good yield for investment property.[?]

    also what is the best way to sourse information to find out recent sales in a particular area.i know there is a web site but it cost an arm and a leg to get one street. thanks alot.[:)]

    Profile photo of williwilli
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 186

    Just so there is no confusion I think Michael may have made a math error – [?][:P]


    So, a property advertised as $130,000 returing $170pw, would have a yield of 150*52/130,000=0.068 (6.8%).

    At a rental of $170pw the calcualtion would be
    The yield works out right, so just a typo…


    p.s. didnt mean to correct you Michael, but thought I would correct the typo in case some newbies got confused [:D]

    …Beware of the dreamtakers…

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