I already have a title for the book, but I’m happy for someone to come up with a better one.
The book is blend of information about positive cashflow property investing and many of the true stories that have happened along the way to buying a swag of property.
For marketing purposes the subtitle of the book has been chosen. It’s:
‘From 0 to 130 properties in 3.5 years’
Can you think of a good title? The only limitation is that I don’t want to use the word ‘wrap’, because it is not a book about wraps.
The winner (ie. if I select your title and you consent to me using your suggestion) can have the complete Property Investing.com product selection, including the revised Wrap Library when it’s released later this year.
Just post your thoughts at the end of this post.
Steve McKnight
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
“Positive Real Estate Systems” or
“Positive Property Investing” or
“Passive Income From Positive Property Investing” or
“Passive Income From Positive Properties”
Here’s the title i propose (using your words) with the layout of the cover
Right Property
Right Strategy
Right Price
Money (or Intant Wealth)
“From 0 – 130 properties in 3 years”
When i chose this headline, i shifted my mindset from being someone who is familiar with the concept of making real estate riches by lateral thinking to someone who considers the A”taxman” funding the difference of a negatively geared proeprty as later thinking .
I feel my headline is straight forward and to the point in simple everyday english.
by the way steve, is there a time limit for this contest?
When I hear you talk, you often state that property investing is a people business. The assumption is that this new book may contain a lot of that wisdom.
People and Property Problems
How I solved 130 problems to financial freedom.
By Steve McKnight
Melbourne’s property king
I put the tag line after the author because I checked my various real estate books and virtually all of them have an author tag line. I just tagged the ACA label on you.
The only reason I dropped out the property mention is that to some people 130 properties sounds like a nightmare rather than financial freedom []